Premarital Counseling

This is the wave of the future. People need training in how to have a great marriage and how to be an ideal partner.  Most of us don’t get that training from our parents. They did the best they could but they also did not have anyone to teach them the “do’s and don’ts” of marriage.

There is so much to learn about communication, conflict resolution, and creating deeper intimacy, both emotionally and physically.  If you’re willing to invest the time, the rewards are tremendous.  If one has doubts that they are marrying the right life partner, premarital counseling should be viewed as essential.  Quite often, people begin to have doubts about whether they are marrying the right partner.  This is especially true when there has been a relatively short dating period prior to the engagement or a lot of conflict has occurred during the engagement period.  When a person’s “gut” feeling is “this might be a mistake,”  pre-marital counseling should be viewed as essential.

If you would like further information, please call me at (301) 816-8985.